rpcinfo (报告RPC信息)

瑞兹 发表于 2020-11-26 09:13




1 rpcinfo 运行系统环境

2 rpcinfo 描述

3 rpcinfo 语法

4 rpcinfo 例子

rpcinfo 运行系统环境


rpcinfo 描述



在第二个提要中,rpcinfo列出了在rpcbind版本2中注册的所有RPC服务。此外,请注意,在第一个和第二个提要中,信息的格式是不同的。这是因为第二个概要是用于收集显示信息的较旧协议rpcbind协议的版本2 )。




rpcinfo makes an RPC call to an RPC server and reports what it finds.

In the first synopsis, rpcinfo lists all the registered RPC services with rpcbind on host. If host is not specified, the local host is the default. If -s is used, the information is displayed in a concise format.

In the second synopsis, rpcinfo lists all the RPC services registered with rpcbind, version 2. Also, note that the format of the information is different in the first and the second synopsis. This is because the second synopsis is an older protocol used to collect the information displayed (version 2 of the rpcbind protocol).

The third synopsis makes an RPC call to procedure 0 of prognum and versnum on the specified host and reports whether a response was received. The transport is the transport which has to be used for contacting the given service. The remote address of the service is obtained by making a call to the remote rpcbind.

The prognum argument is a number that represents an RPC program number. If a versnum is specified, rpcinfo attempts to call that version of the specified prognum. Otherwise, rpcinfo attempts to find all the registered version numbers for the specified prognum by calling version 0, which is presumed not to exist; if it does exist, rpcinfo attempts to obtain this information by calling an extremely high version number instead, and attempts to call each registered version.

The version number is required for -b and -d options.



rpcinfo 语法

rpcinfo [-m | -s ] [ host ]
rpcinfo -p [ host ]
rpcinfo -T transport host prognum [ versnum ]
rpcinfo -l [ -T transport ] host prognum versnum
rpcinfo [ -n portnum ] -u host prognum [ versnum ]
rpcinfo [ -n portnum ] -t host prognum [ versnum ]
rpcinfo -a serv_address -T transport prognum [ versnum ]
rpcinfo -b [ -T transport ] prognum versnum
rpcinfo -d [ -T transport ] prognum versnum


-m 显示给定主机上rpcbind操作的统计信息表。该表显示了每个版本的rpcbind(版本2、3和4)的统计信息,给出了每个过程被请求并成功服务的次数,发出的远程调用请求的数量和类型,以及有关RPC地址查找的信息。被处理。这对于监视主机上的RPC活动很有用。
-s 显示主机上所有已注册RPC程序的简要列表。如果未指定host,则默认为本地主机。
-p 使用rpcbind协议的版本2在主机上探测rpcbind,并显示所有已注册RPC程序的列表。如果未指定host,则默认为本地主机。请注意,rpcbind协议的版本2以前称为portmapper协议。
-t 使用TCP对指定主机上的prognum的过程0进行RPC调用,并报告是否收到响应。如第三个摘要中所示,此选项被-T选项淘汰。
-l 显示指定主机上具有给定prognum和versnum的条目的列表。返回与用于联系远程rpcbind相同协议家族的所有传输的条目。
-b 对指定的prognumversnum的过程0进行RPC广播,并报告所有响应的主机。如果指定了transport,则仅在指定的transport上广播其请求。如果任何传输都不支持广播,则会显示一条错误消息。广播的使用应受到限制,因为可能会对其他系统造成不利影响。
-d 删除指定prognumversnum的RPC服务的注册。如果运输指定,注销的只有运输服务,否则注销所有在其获注册的运输服务。只有服务的所有者可以删除注册,超级用户可以删除任何服务。
-u 使用UDP对指定主机上的prognum的过程0进行RPC调用,并报告是否收到响应。如第三个摘要中所示,此选项被-T选项淘汰。
-a serv_address serv_address用作服务传输到指定程序的ping过程0的(通用)地址,并报告是否收到响应。该-T选项是必须与-a选项。


-n portnum 使用portnum作为-t-u选项的端口号,而不是rpcbind给出的端口号。使用此选项可避免调用远程rpcbind来查找服务地址。-a选项使该选项已过时。
-T transport 指定需要服务的传输方式。如果未指定此选项,则rpcinfo使用NETPATH 环境变量中指定的传输,或者如果未设置或为NULL,则使用netconfig数据库中的传输。这是一个通用选项,可以与其他选项一起使用。
rpcinfo [-m | -s ] [ host ]
rpcinfo -p [ host ]
rpcinfo -T transport host prognum [ versnum ]
rpcinfo -l [ -T transport ] host prognum versnum
rpcinfo [ -n portnum ] -u host prognum [ versnum ]
rpcinfo [ -n portnum ] -t host prognum [ versnum ]
rpcinfo -a serv_address -T transport prognum [ versnum ]
rpcinfo -b [ -T transport ] prognum versnum
rpcinfo -d [ -T transport ] prognum versnum


-m Display a table of statistics of rpcbind operations on the given host. The table shows statistics for each version of rpcbind (versions 2, 3 and 4), giving the number of times each procedure was requested and successfully serviced, the number and type of remote call requests that were made, and information about RPC address lookups that were handled. This is useful for monitoring RPC activities on host.
-s Display a concise list of all registered RPC programs on host. If host is not specified, it defaults to the local host.
-p Probe rpcbind on host using version 2 of the rpcbind protocol, and display a list of all registered RPC programs. If host is not specified, it defaults to the local host. Note that version 2 of the rpcbind protocol was previously known as the portmapper protocol.
-t Make an RPC call to procedure 0 of prognum on the specified host using TCP, and report whether a response was received. This option is made obsolete by the -T option as shown in the third synopsis.
-l Display a list of entries with a given prognum and versnum on the specified host. Entries are returned for all transports in the same protocol family as that used to contact the remote rpcbind.
-b Make an RPC broadcast to procedure 0 of the specified prognum and versnum and report all hosts that respond. If transport is specified, it broadcasts its request only on the specified transport. If broadcasting is not supported by any transport, an error message is printed. Use of broadcasting should be limited because of the potential for adverse effect on other systems.
-d Delete registration for the RPC service of the specified prognum and versnum. If transport is specified, unregister the service on only that transport, otherwise unregister the service on all the transports on which it was registered. Only the owner of a service can delete a registration, except the superuser who can delete any service.
-u Make an RPC call to procedure 0 of prognum on the specified host using UDP, and report whether a response was received. This option is made obsolete by the -T option as shown in the third synopsis.
-a serv_address Use serv_address as the (universal) address for the service on transport to ping procedure 0 of the specified prognum and report whether a response was received. The -T option is required with the -a option.

If versnum is not specified, rpcinfo tries to ping all available version numbers for that program number. This option avoids calls to remote rpcbind to find the address of the service. The serv_address is specified in universal address format of the given transport.

-n portnum Use portnum as the port number for the -t and -u options instead of the port number given by rpcbind. Use of this option avoids a call to the remote rpcbind to find out the address of the service. This option is made obsolete by the -a option.
-T transport Specify the transport on which the service is required. If this option is not specified, rpcinfo uses the transport specified in the NETPATH environment variable, or if that is unset or NULL, the transport in the netconfig database is used. This is a generic option, and can be used in conjunction with other options.



rpcinfo 例子



rpcinfo cpuhope


rpcinfo -s cpuhope


program   version   netid                     service    owner
100000    2,3,4     local,tcp,udp,tcp6,udp6   rpcbind    super-user
100008    1         udp,tcp,udp6,tcp6         walld      super-user
100002    2,1       udp,udp6                  rusersd    super-user
100001    2,3,4     udp,udp6                  rstatd     super-user
100012    1         udp,tcp                   sprayd     super-user
100007    3         udp,tcp                   ypbind     super-user
rpcinfo -T tcp cpuhope prognum versnum


rpcinfo -p


rpcinfo -d 100008 1


rpcinfo -d walld 1



Display all of the RPC services of the local host.

rpcinfo cpuhope

Show all RPC services registered with rpcbind on the machine named cpuhope.

rpcinfo -s cpuhope

Same as the above command, but shows more concise information (the default information display can be quite lengthy). Output will resemble the following:

program   version   netid                     service    owner
100000    2,3,4     local,tcp,udp,tcp6,udp6   rpcbind    super-user
100008    1         udp,tcp,udp6,tcp6         walld      super-user
100002    2,1       udp,udp6                  rusersd    super-user
100001    2,3,4     udp,udp6                  rstatd     super-user
100012    1         udp,tcp                   sprayd     super-user
100007    3         udp,tcp                   ypbind     super-user
rpcinfo -T tcp cpuhope prognum versnum

Show whether the RPC service with program number prognum and version versnum is registered on the machine named cpuhope for the transport tcp.

rpcinfo -p

Show all RPC services registered with version 2 of the rpcbind protocol on the local machine.

rpcinfo -d 100008 1

Delete the registration for version 1 of the walld (program number 100008) service for all transports.

rpcinfo -d walld 1

Same as the above example, but specifies walld by name.




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