last (显示最近登录用户的列表)

rose1 发表于 2020-09-21 09:06

在类似Unix的操作系统上,last命令显示最近登录 用户的列表。 在Linux操作系统上,补充的lastb命令显示错误(失败)登录的列表。 本文档介绍了last和lastb的GNU / Linux版本。



1 last 运行系统环境

2 last 说明

3 last 语法

4 last 例子

last 运行系统环境


last 说明

last命令搜索通过后的文件 在/ var /日志/ wtmp文件(或由指定文件-f标志)登录的所有用户的列表(进出),因为该文件被创建和显示。可以给出用户名和tty的名称,在这种情况下,last仅显示与arguments匹配的条目。ttys的名称可以缩写,因此last 0last tty0相同。

last捕获一个SIGINT 信号(由中断键,通常是control-C生成)或SIGQUIT信号(由退出键,通常是control- \生成)时,last显示它已在文件中搜索了多远。在SIGINT信号的情况下,last将终止。

每次重新引导系统时,伪用户“ reboot”都会登录。因此,上次重新启动会显示自创建日志文件以来所有重新启动的日志。

lastb命令的功能类似于持续。通过默认情况下,lastb列表文件的内容在/ var /日志/ btmp等,其中包含在系统上的所有坏的登录尝试。

The last command searches back through the file /var/log/wtmp (or the file designated by the -f flag) and displays a list of all users logged in (and out) since that file was created. Names of users and tty's can be given, in which case last shows only those entries matching the arguments. Names of ttys can be abbreviated, thus last 0 is the same as last tty0.

When last catches a SIGINT signal (generated by the interrupt key, usually control-C) or a SIGQUIT signal (generated by the quit key, usually control-\), last shows how far it has searched through the file; in the case of the SIGINT signal, last will then terminate.

The pseudo-user "reboot" logs in each time the system is rebooted. Thus last reboot shows a log of all reboots since the log file was created.

The lastb command functions similarly to last. By default, lastb lists the contents of file /var/log/btmp, which contains all bad login attempts made on the system.



last 语法

last [-R] [-num] [ -n num ] [-adFiowx] [ -f file ] [ -t YYYYMMDDHHMMSS ] [ name...] [tty...]
lastb [-R] [-num] [ -n num ] [ -f file ] [-adFiowx] [name...] [tty...]


-f file

告诉last使用特定文件而不是/ var / log / wtmp。



-n num 与上述相同;显示NUM线。
-t YYYYMMDDHHMMSS 显示指定时间的登录状态。这很有用,例如,可以轻松确定在特定时间登录的人。用-t指定该时间,然后查找“仍然登录”。
-R 禁止显示主机名字段。
-a D在最后一列中显示主机名。与标志-d结合使用。
-d 对于非本地登录,Linux不仅存储远程主机的主机名,而且还存储其IP号。该选项将IP号码转换回主机名。
-F 打印完整的登录和注销时间和日期。
-i 此选项与-d相似,因为它显示远程主机的IP编号,但以数字和点表示法显示IP编号。
-o 读取旧的wtmp文件(由linux-libc5应用程序编写)。
-w 在输出中显示完整的用户名和域名。
-x 显示系统关闭条目和运行级别更改。
last [-R] [-num] [ -n num ] [-adFiowx] [ -f file ] [ -t YYYYMMDDHHMMSS ] [ name...] [tty...]
lastb [-R] [-num] [ -n num ] [ -f file ] [-adFiowx] [name...] [tty...]


-f file Tells last to use a specific file instead of /var/log/wtmp.
-num This is a count telling last how many lines to show.
-n num same as above; display num lines.
-t YYYYMMDDHHMMSS Display the state of logins as of the specified time. This is useful, e.g., to determine easily who was logged in at a particular time; specify that time with -t and look for "still logged in".
-R Suppresses the display of the hostname field.
-a Display the hostname in the last column. Useful in combination with the flag -d.
-d For non-local logins, Linux stores not only the hostname of the remote host but its IP number as well. This option translates the IP number back into a hostname.
-F Print full login and logout times and dates.
-i This option is like -d in that it displays the IP number of the remote host, but it displays the IP number in numbers-and-dots notation.
-o Read an old-type wtmp file (written by linux-libc5 applications).
-w Display full user and domain names in the output.
-x Display the system shutdown entries and run level changes.



last 例子


没有参数运行最后一次将显示与以下示例类似的结果。每行以帐户名开头(在本例中为“ root ”和“ mrhope ”)。

root 	pts/1 		Fri Nov 14 18:52 - 22:16 (03:23)
root 	pts/0 	c-57-161-249-108 	Fri Nov 14 05:45 - 03:09 (1+21:23)
mrhope 	pts/0 	c-57-161-249-109 	Wed Nov 12 06:51 - 03:14 (1+20:22)
root 	pts/1 	c-57-161-249-108 	Tue Nov 11 19:53 - 05:03 (09:09)
root 	pts/1 		Wed Nov 5 07:35 - 11:14 (03:39)
root 	pts/0 	c-57-161-249-108 	Wed Nov 5 06:20 - 21:10 (6+14:49)
root 	pts/0 		Tue Nov 4 13:32 - 14:02 (00:30)
root 	tty7 				Tue Nov 4 12:24 - down (31+12:37)
last reboot | less


reboot   system boot  3.6.12-502.el6.x Sun May 31 03:59 - 12:01  (08:02)
reboot   system boot  3.6.12-502.el6.x Fri May 29 07:17 - 12:01 (2+04:43)
reboot   system boot  3.6.12-502.el6.x Wed May 27 02:37 - 12:01 (4+09:23)
reboot   system boot  3.6.12-502.el6.x Tue May 26 16:42 - 16:43  (00:00)
reboot   system boot  3.6.12-502.el6.x Tue May  5 22:04 - 16:41 (20+18:36)
last -x | less


root     pst/0        c-124-12-121-132 Sun May 31 10:17   still logged in
run level (to lvl 3)   3.6.12-502.el6.x Sun May 31 03:59 - 12:02  (08:03)
reboot   system boot  3.6.12-502.el6.x Sun May 31 03:59 - 12:02  (08:03)
root     pts/0        c-124-12-121-132 Fri May 29 07:42 - crash (1+20:16)
root     pts/0        control.comphope Fri May 29 07:24 - 07:27  (00:03)
runlevel (to lvl 3)   3.6.12-502.el6.x Fri May 29 07:17 - 03:59 (1+20:41)
reboot   system boot  3.6.12-502.el6.x Fri May 29 07:17 - 12:02 (2+04:45)
root     pts/1        c-124-12-121-132 Thu May 28 01:25 - crash (1+05:51)
hope     pts/0        c-124-12-121-132 Wed May 27 03:18 - crash (2+03:59)
runlevel (to lvl 3)   3.6.12-502.el6.x Wed May 27 02:37 - 07:17 (2+04:39)
reboot   system boot  3.6.12-502.el6.x Wed May 27 02:37 - 12:02 (4+09:25)
shutdown system down  3.6.12-502.el6.x Tue May 26 16:43 - 02:37  (09:54)




link | ldd | ln | login | ls | lsmod | lpstat | losetup | lprm | lpr | lpq | lp | lpc | locate | logname | lpadmin |
