extract (获取压缩在Windows CAB文件中的文件)

舞夕之 发表于 2020-06-23 16:08

Windows Extract命令获取压缩在Windows CAB文件中的文件,并将它们放到硬盘上的指定位置。



1 extract 运行系统环境

2 extract 语法

3 extract 示例

extract 运行系统环境

Windows 95

Windows 98

Windows NT

Windows ME

extract 语法

Microsoft (R) Cabinet Extraction Tool - Version (16) 1.00.603.0 (08/14/97)
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corp 1994 - 1997. All rights reserved.
EXTRACT [/Y] [/A] [/D | /E] [/L dir] cabinet [file name ...]
EXTRACT [/Y] source [newname]
EXTRACT [/Y] /C source destination
cabinet CAB文件(包含两个或多个文件)。
file name 要从文件柜提取的文件的名称。可以使用通配符和多个文件名(以空格分隔)。
source 压缩文件(只有一个文件的文件柜)。
newname 指定提取文件的新文件名。如果未提供,则使用原始名称。
/A 处理所有文件柜。从提到的第一个文件柜开始遵循文件柜链。
/C 将源文件复制到目标(从DMF磁盘复制)。
/D 显示文件柜目录(与文件名一起使用以避免提取)。
/E 提取(使用而不是*.*来提取所有文件)。
/L dir 放置解压缩文件的位置(默认为当前目录)。
/Y 覆盖现有文件之前不提示。
Microsoft (R) Cabinet Extraction Tool - Version (16) 1.00.603.0 (08/14/97)
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corp 1994 - 1997. All rights reserved.
EXTRACT [/Y] [/A] [/D | /E] [/L dir] cabinet [file name ...]
EXTRACT [/Y] source [newname]
EXTRACT [/Y] /C source destination
cabinet Cabinet file (contains two or more files).
file name Name of the file to extract from the cabinet. Wildcards and multiple file names(separated by blanks) may be used.
source Compressed file (a cabinet with only one file).
newname New file name to give the extracted file. If not supplied, the original name is used.
/A Process all cabinets. Follows cabinet chain starting in first cabinet mentioned.
/C Copy source file to destination (to copy from DMF disks).
/D Display cabinet directory (use with file name to avoid extract).
/E Extract (use instead of *.* to extract all files).
/L dir Location to place extracted files (default is current directory).
/Y Do not prompt before overwriting an existing file.



extract 示例




Location of cabinets 机柜的位置可能会有所不同。以下是机柜可能位于的位置列表:



如果您使用的是软盘版本的Windows 95,请确定哪个文件柜存放需要解压缩的文件。例如,如果文件是win95_04.cab,则该文件将位于磁盘4上。

Extraction Tool Windows 98和Internet Explorer 4.0使用新算法压缩文件柜,因此无法使用Windows 95附带的Extract.exe文件。要求用户使用操作系统或Internet Explorer版本附带的Extract.exe。


extract /d c:\windows\options\cabs\win95_02

Utilizing the /d 开关将列出win95_02机柜的内容。

extract /a /d c:\windows\options\cabs\win95_02.cab

mmsystem.dll Utilizing the /a and /d 交换机将通过搜索win95_02.cab及更高版本来查找mmsystem.dll。

extract c:\windows\options\cabs\win95_10.cab 

mmsystem.dll /l c:\windows\system知道哪个文件柜包含特定文件后,您可以使用此命令解压缩文件。/l开关用于指定解压后要将文件放置到的位置。

extract /a c:\windows\options\cabs\win95_02.cab 

mmsystem.dll /l c:\windows\system - Using the /a 交换机在机柜02及以后搜索mmsystem.dll。找到后,将从适当的文件柜中提取该文件,然后将其放入c:\Window\System目录。文件柜的位置可能会根据不同而有所不同

Windows 98和Windows ME用户

Windows 98和Windows ME用户可以按照以下步骤使用Windows系统文件检查器工具提取文件。

  1. 单击开始、程序、附件、系统工具,然后单击系统信息图标。
  2. 从工具下拉菜单中,选择系统文件转换器。
  3. 指定要还原的系统文件,然后单击开始。

Windows ME报告由于受保护的文件而出现提取文件错误

尝试解压Windows ME文件时收到以下错误。



  • 单击开始、程序、附件、系统工具,然后单击系统信息图标。
  • 从Tools(工具)下拉菜单中,选择System Configuration Utility(系统配置实用程序)。
  • 单击提取文件。
  • 在“从安装中提取一个文件”对话框中,键入要提取的文件的名称,然后单击“开始”。
  • 在“从还原”框中,键入文件柜所在的位置。
  • 在“保存位置”框中,键入c:\,然后按Enter键。
  • 单击“确定”,然后单击“是”为提取的文件创建文件夹。
  • 将新提取的文件从新位置拖动到需要放置该文件的位置。
  • 重新启动计算机。

Windows cabinets are file archives that end with the extension .cab. They contain essential files needed for installing Windows and additional software onto the computer at a later date. This document does not cover how to extract files from other compressed files, like .zip, and .rar.

Because of the differences in the various versions of Windows, follow only the instructions for your version of Windows to help prevent confusion.


Before extracting any files from the cabinets, ensure that the below information is known.

Location of cabinets The location of where the cabinets are located may vary. Below is a listing of locations to where the cabinets may be located:


*The above listings are assuming that you have installed Windows at C:\Windows and that the CD-ROM drive is D:\.

If you are using a diskette version of Windows 95, determine what cabinet holds the file that needs to be extracted. For example, if the file is win95_04.cab the file will be located on disk 4.

Extraction Tool Windows 98 and Internet Explorer 4.0 use a new algorithm to compress the cabinet and therefore cannot use the Extract.exe file included with Windows 95. It is required that the user use the Extract.exe included with the operating system or version of Internet Explorer.

Below is a listing of commonly used or needed extract lines and a short description of each line. For a listing of all switches and options, see our extract command overview.

extract /d c:\windows\options\cabs\win95_02

Utilizing the /d switch will list the contents of the win95_02 cabinet.

extract /a /d c:\windows\options\cabs\win95_02.cab 

mmsystem.dll Utilizing the /a and /d switch will locate the mmsystem.dll by searching win95_02.cab and beyond.

extract c:\windows\options\cabs\win95_10.cab 

mmsystem.dll /l c:\windows\system Knowing what cabinet contains a particular file, you can use this command to extract file(s). The /l switch is used to specify the location to where you want the file to be placed once extracted.

extract /a c:\windows\options\cabs\win95_02.cab 

mmsystem.dll /l c:\windows\system Using the /a switch searches cabinets 02 and beyond for mmsystem.dll. Once located, the file would be extracted from the appropriate cabinet and then placed into the c:\window\system directory. The location of the cabinet may vary on 

Windows 98 and Windows ME users can use the Windows System File Checker Tool to extract files by following the steps below.

  1. Click Start, Programs, Accessories, System Tools, and click the System Information icon.
  2. From the Tools drop-down menu, select System File Changer.
  3. Specify the system file that you would like to restore and click Start.

Windows ME reporting extract file error because of protected files

Receiving the below error when attempting to extract Windows ME files.

Extract File
The specified file is protected and may not be copied or deleted.

To bypass this error, follow the steps below:

  1. Click Start, Programs, Accessories, System Tools, and click the System Information icon.
  2. From the Tools drop-down menu, select System Configuration Utility.
  3. Click Extract File.
  4. In the extract one file from installation dialog box, type the name of the file that you want to extract, and click start.
  5. In the Restore from box, type the location of where the cabinets are located.
  6. In the Save in box, type c:\ and press Enter.
  7. Click OK, and then click Yes to create a folder for the extracted file.
  8. Drag the new extracted file from the new location to the location where the file needs to be placed.
  9. Reboot the computer.




echo | edit | edlin | emm 386 | enable | endlocal | erase | exit | expand |
